Vagina Tightening Exercises – Is A Tight Vagina Good or Bad?
by Courtney Virden
So many women say they want a tight vagina, but is it optimal? Do men like tight vaginas? There is so much to cover, so let’s dive in, and first, let’s talk about our vaginas during sex. And make sure not to miss the video – vagina tightening exercises below!
That feeling of tightness in the vagina is often from the pelvic floor muscles surrounding the pelvic organs. An overly tight vagina is also known as a hypertonic pelvic floor. When women orgasm, they experience rhythmic contractions in the pelvic floor muscles. The stronger and more responsive those muscles are, the stronger and more intense the orgasms can become.
Women with a hypertonic or overly tight pelvic floor often experience pain with penetration and sometimes throughout intercourse. If the vaginal muscles are too tight penetrative sex is too painful. To experience stronger orgasms, it is vital to have strength in the pelvic floor but also appropriate tone, elasticity, and responsiveness.
If your pelvic floor is strong and responsive, your vagina feels better for you and your partner during intercourse. When it comes to sex, vaginal tightness is not ideal. Stop wondering if it is good to be tight, and do guys like a tight vagina. They don’t want one without tone, but too tight isn’t great for anyone.
What is a Tight Vagina?
The feeling of “tightness” is actually from the pelvic floor. And surprising to many, a tight one isn’t good for sexual enjoyment. Besides sexual intercourse and orgasm quality, what else might a tight vagina mean for you? An overactive pelvic floor usually means experiencing one or more symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction. What is especially interesting is that some symptoms of a hypertonic pelvic floor are the same symptoms of one that is too stretched and relaxed.
Symptoms like urinary incontinence are common whether your pelvic floor is too tight and rigid or too lax. Bladder and bowel issues are common with a loose or hypertonic pelvic floor. Tailbone pain (coccyx pain), low back and hip pain, constipation, and even vaginal dryness (less natural lubrication usually irritates the vaginal tissue) are also common with an overly tight vagina. Meanwhile, others may experience trouble orgasming, painful intercourse, or other medical conditions.
One easy way for many to understand why a tight vagina isn’t great is to imagine the hamstring muscles. Most know that while you want strong hamstrings if the muscles are tight, it can lead to an increased risk of injury. Tight hamstrings are also uncomfortable and often lead to other issues throughout your body (such as pack pain). Overly tight means they aren’t functioning well; tight doesn’t mean strong.
Now, apply those same thoughts to the pelvic floor. Does having a tight vagina seem like it would optimize the pelvic floor and how it functions? A woman’s pelvic floor function is critical to feeling her best. Not only her sexual enjoyment but her movement and body throughout the day. So vagina tightening exercises are actually pelvic floor exercises. But ones to strengthen the muscles and also improve their ability to relax.
Do You Need Kegel Exercises?
Many people think doing Kegel exercises multiple times a day thinking they will strengthen their pelvic floor. In reality, does it solve their problems? For some women, yes, but for far more, it doesn’t, and they are left feeling defeated and confused. Women with an overly tight pelvic floor who do Kegels can worsen the problem.
Kegel’s are concentric contractions and will make an already tight pelvic floor even tighter. Often, women have some muscles of the pelvic floor too tight and rigid and other muscles overstretched, and Kegels can make their problems worse, too. Pelvic floor disorders and dysfunction are common and impact far too many women throughout their lives.
Not doing anything isn’t going to work either. Ignoring pelvic floor dysfunction eventually worsens it and can lead to other issues. What about seeing an in-person pelvic floor physical therapist? While this can be beneficial and even needed by some, it isn’t necessary for many. For some, the thought makes them uncomfortable, is too time-consuming, or is expensive.
So if you want to see an in-person physical therapist go for it; if you don’t, there are options for you instead of seeing a therapist. Some women even turn to surgery first, while some need it; many issues can be resolved by seeing a therapist or even on your own with the right online pelvic floor program.
Symptoms and Issues From a Tight Pelvic Floor
Having a tight pelvic floor (hypertonic) can lead to a myriad of issues and dysfunction. Common issues include painful intercourse, lower back pain, pelvic and tailbone pain, trouble orgasming. Even urinary incontinence (peeing when you sneeze or jump), constipation, and other bladder and bowel issues can arise. It is a hard concept for some women to grasp because most of us believe we should be “tight.” What about Kegel exercises? I don’t recommend them for many reasons. To know why, you will want to take a dive into whether or not you should be doing them and what they are here. Hypertonic pelvic floor exercises train the muscles to be strong but also enable the muscles to relax and lengthen, which is key for a healthy pelvic floor.
Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles/Vagina Without Kegels
But there is hope for women! Women of any age and fitness level can do pelvic floor therapy programs at home. There are 14 muscles in a woman’s pelvic floor, and they move in multiple directions. It is essential to do exercises that focus on all planes of movement and contain both eccentric and concentric contractions. This will ensure an appropriate balance of strength and responsiveness (for those intense orgasms and more), responsiveness.
Pelvic health is so vital for women of all stages of life. Issues arise for many within the different stages many women go through. Many changes women experience these changes with menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth, aging, and pre and post-menopause. All of these can significantly impact our pelvic floor, impacting our quality of life.
Vagina Tightening Exercises: Get A Strong, Toned, and Responsive Vagina
My online pelvic floor therapy at home programs will help you if you are having issues. And for those without issues they are a preventative measure. Plus at the same time helping deliver better sex and improved posture. Instead of striving for a tight vagina, the goal should be a healthy, strong, toned, and responsive vagina. Think strong orgasms!
When your pelvic floor is strong and elastic the vaginal canal feels toned. Men and women do not want pelvic pain with sexual activity. Think of exercises to tighten your vagina as pelvic floor exercises, because that is what they really are.
The best vaginal tightening exercises will give your pelvic area a nice tone and strength. But it won’t leave you too tight and make sex painful. So start pelvic floor exercises today for your entire body and, of course, your sex life, too!
The Vagina Exercises
Below are five exercises, just a portion of my pelvic floor online programs. These will help you to strengthen, realign, and improve the elasticity and responsiveness of those muscles. Do them three to four times weekly to support better sex. Promise. This pelvic floor workout plan will help restore proper function, and all of the exercises are also core exercises.
So, you don’t need to do separate abdominal exercises for your abdominal muscles to be strong. And to get those vaginal muscles more responsive and stronger, you will want to be doing our pelvic floor programs. A MUST for all women!
You do not need to tighten the pelvic floor from the starting position or throughout any of the movements during the exercises. Focus on the lengthening and rebounding, concentric and eccentric contractions because the muscles will contract and stretch as needed as you move.
So stay relaxed and focus on deep breathing throughout the exercises. You will restore your pelvic floor for more confidence and better sex with consistency and time!
Routine (stability ball needed for all exercises)
Five exercises to try from our floor and core workouts:
- Ball Bounce
- Pelvic Tilts, Side to Side
- Pelvic Tilts, Front to Back
- Hip Circles
- Bridge, Knee-to-Shoulder
Watch each move below for guided instructions: