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Why Do I Pee When I Sneeze? Help Me!

by Courtney Virden

woman covering legs with hand wondering if she needs incontinence pads or incontinence supplies.

Urinary incontinence is a prevalent condition affecting approximately 50 percent of adult women, leaving many wondering why do I pee when I sneeze. Living with this condition can be disheartening, and many women, including myself, have experienced it after childbirth.

Let’s explore the different types of urinary incontinence, why women experience bladder leakage and discuss effective treatments for managing and overcoming this condition. Whether you’re a young girl or an adult woman, understanding urinary incontinence and its treatment options is crucial for improving your quality of life.


Different Types of Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence can manifest in various forms. The severity of symptoms can range from occasional bladder leakage to uncontrollable urges to urinate, desperately needing to pee, leaving women feeling embarrassed and frustrated. Some women think they need bladder training, and others realize the pelvic muscles might need rehabilitation and want to utilize pelvic floor and core exercises for urinary incontinence. Let’s discuss the most common types of urine leaks often related to your pelvic floor.

  • Stress Incontinence: This type of incontinence occurs when pressure is exerted on the bladder, resulting in urine leakage during activities such as coughing, running, sneezing, jumping, or laughing. This type of incontinence is far too common, leaving many women searching for stress incontinence treatments, and some even think they need pelvic floor dysfunction surgery.
  • Overflow Incontinence: Occurs when the bladder doesn’t completely empty, leading to a constant drip of urine. This can be caused by bladder blockage or weak bladder muscles.
  • Urge Incontinence: Sudden, intense urges to urinate characterize this type of incontinence. It often leads to involuntary bladder leakage. Individuals with an overactive bladder may also experience frequent urges to urinate. Some women with this think they have a small bladder.
  • Mixed Incontinence: Some individuals may experience a combination of the above types, leading to mixed incontinence.


Who You Might Be Peeing When You Sneeze

While pregnancy and childbirth are common triggers for urinary incontinence, several other risk factors should be considered. During pregnancy, the increased weight of the fetus and maternal weight gain put additional pressure on the pelvic floor muscles, which support the bladder and urethra.

Delivery also places significant stress on these muscles. Interestingly, there is no significant difference in pelvic floor issues between women who undergo a cesarean section and those with a vaginal delivery. This is why postpartum pelvic floor dysfunction is common in women who delivered both vaginally and with a C-section.

In addition to pregnancy and childbirth, other risk factors for pelvic floor dysfunction include obesity, straining during bowel movements, aging, pelvic surgery or trauma, heavy lifting, and chronic coughing. It’s important to note that pelvic floor dysfunction can occur without these risk factors, and symptoms may gradually worsen.


Your Pelvic Floor is Critical for Avoiding Bladder Leaks

The pelvic floor, a complex network of 14 muscles surrounding and supporting the pelvic organs and the core, plays a vital role in bladder control and overall body functionality. Interestingly, a hypertonic pelvic floor (overly tight or high-tone pelvic floor dysfunction) and a hypotonic pelvic floor (overly stretched) can contribute to urinary incontinence.

Pelvic floor and core exercises for incontinence are imperative for addressing bladder leaks, as they target the underlying pelvic floor dysfunction. In addition to urinary incontinence, women with pelvic floor dysfunction may experience symptoms such as constipation, bowel incontinence, painful intercourse, difficulty achieving orgasm, pelvic organ prolapse, abdominal or pelvic pain or pressure, lower back pain, and discomfort in the genital or rectal area.


Your Pelvic Floor Health Is Critical

Pelvic floor dysfunction occurs when the pelvic floor muscles cannot contract and relax properly. You can have too stretched out or hypertonic/tight muscles or a combination. Therefore, addressing the underlying pelvic floor issues is crucial when treating urinary incontinence.

The pelvic floor comprises 14 muscles, fascia, nerves, and blood vessels. Maintaining an optimal length-tension relationship within these muscles and tissues ensures strength, flexibility, and elasticity.

Pregnancy, childbirth, heavy lifting, obesity, age, constipation, pelvic surgeries, and radiation therapy to the pelvis are all risk factors for pelvic floor dysfunction. Pregnancy is a women’s leading risk factor, so postpartum pelvic floor exercises are crucial. Pelvic floor exercises postpartum help restore proper function to the pelvic floor and core.


The Best Pelvic Floor Therapy Exercises for Bladder Leakage

Use deep core and pelvic floor exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor. Aim to strengthen and rehabilitate the pelvic floor muscles. The most effective exercises involve concentric (tightening) and eccentric (lengthening) contractions, providing a comprehensive approach to address hypertonic and hypotonic pelvic floor issues. Our program is used by women worldwide for this very issue.

Urinary incontinence is a common condition that affects many women. Far too many women feel desperately, peeing their pants and embarrassed and frustrated.  By understanding the different types of urinary incontinence, the underlying causes, and the importance of pelvic floor exercises, you can take proactive steps toward managing and treating this condition and help prevent this in the first place.

Train the pelvic floor muscles in all directions. Introduce instability to the exercises. This replicates real-life situations and strengthens pelvic floor function.

Pelvic floor and core rehabilitation exercises offer a comprehensive approach to addressing pelvic floor dysfunction and improving bladder control. With the proper knowledge and targeted pelvic floor exercises for incontinence, women can regain their confidence, restore their quality of life, and overcome the challenges associated with urinary incontinence.

Use the four exercises below to help. Complete programs to help you overcome your bladder leakage are available on our app, with other powerful resources for a healthy pelvic floor and body.

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